Help For Leaky Roofs

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Is It Better to Repair or Replace My Roof?

While a good roof can bring about a fantastic sense of peace within your home and heart, a worn and damaged one can bring about a life of stress that is unwanted. For those of you who are homeowners, a time will come when you will have to decide if roof repair or replacement is the better choice.

It is at this point that things get difficult. If you happen to be in the business of roof repair, you are in good shape and will most likely be able to sort through it on your own. However, I would imagine for most of you, knowing which choice to make would be on par with flipping a coin. 

The question, “Is it better to repair or replace my roof?” is a broad question without a pinpointed and quick answer. Rather, there are a number of variables that will come into play in your determining the best choice for you. The following is a quick list of the questions to ask yourself:

• What is the age of my roof?

• What is the material of my existing roof?

• How long will I be staying at my home?

• What is my budget?

What is the age of my roof?

For starters, it is important to know the age of your roof. In the event that you have been living in your home for a number of years, this may be easy. However, if you have moved in relatively recently, you may not know when your roof was installed.

Another possibility is that your roof has never been reroofed or replaced in any way. If your home was built less than 20 years ago, it likely has its original roof.  

If you are unaware of your roof’s installation date, calling a roofing contractor to your home could be a good option. The contractor should have a good idea of when your roof was installed based on the condition of the roof itself. 

What is the material of my existing roof?

All roofs are not created equal. The material that is used will affect the life of the roof drastically. If you are unsure of the material used for your current roof, a quality outfit can help you figure that out. In the case of 3-tab shingles, they may last up to 20 years, while some heavy-duty architectural shingles may double that if you’re lucky. 

Another growingly popular option is the metal roof, which for some may last a lifetime. These roofs have been known to last for over 50 years at times. 

It is important to know that while a certain material is said to last for a certain number of years, many different circumstances can affect the actual life of the material. For instance, extreme heat from a sunny climate or extreme winds from a windy climate can decrease a shingle’s life.

How long will I be staying at my home?

If you know the age of your roof and the age expectancy of the material of your roof, you are in good shape in knowing whether to replace or repair your roof. However, it is also important to know if you will be staying at your home for years to come or may be moving out soon. 

The reason for this is because the cost of a repair is much lower than that of a replacement. This is due to the following differences:

• Hours of labor

• Amount of material

• Specialties required 

• Equipment required for the job

• Manpower needed

It is possible that your roof may just need a small area of shingles put on, and this simple fix will last you another five years. However, it is also possible that the problem you are facing now is like that of a dam that lets out a little water at first then eventually bursts. 

Nevertheless, if you are planning on moving soon, possibly the only benefit to your replacing your roof would come in the form of your home’s resale value. This could still be of great value to you, but it will be necessary to weigh this matter wisely.

What is my budget?

Finally, knowing what you can and can’t afford is essential. Sometimes there is no way around this point. If you cannot afford to get your roof repaired, then you may need just to go ahead and fix your immediate problem. 

If you can afford a roof repair, weighing the different options could prove to be beneficial. Metal will cost more than your typical shingle but will look great and prove to last you a lifetime. 

Reroofing with new shingles over pre-existing shingles could be another good option and could save you money.


Either way, the choice is yours. Think it through and don’t rush unless your situation requires an immediate response. I hope that you make the right choice.

How Does Heating and Cooling Affect Your Roof?

Roofs across the globe are affected in a number of ways by the climate they are in. Whether someone finds himself living in south Texas or upper Alaska, the climate will have drastic effects on his roof. Whether a person finds himself living in Florida or Kentucky, the same will apply. 

It is with this in mind that it will be important for you to know how your particular climate will affect your roof. Weather patterns such as extreme cold, which is often accompanied by heavy snow or freezing rain, will decrease the life of a roof. 

On the other hand, extreme heat that is often accompanied by humidity is another area of consideration. In addition, high winds that plague places throughout the world despite the high or low temperatures is another contributing factor in the life and condition of your roof. 

Extreme cold

• For many places in the world, extremely cold temperatures are a force to be reckoned with. As a cold night sets in, it will cause a material such as asphalt shingles to contract. This contracting of shingles will then lead to their cracking overtime. The shingles will end up becoming more brittle than they will be pliable. 

• As cold weather arrives in various parts of the world, so do snow and freezing rain. Water is a destructive element, and as snow and freezing rain continue to bear down on a roof, overtime, this will cause damage to your roof. 

This will most likely be a slow process. However, for those of you who live in an area where you see snow and freezing rain frequently, you can expect for these elements, along with the cold weather itself, to decrease the life of your roof.

Extreme heat 

• For many of the homes that are found in parts of the world that are under the constant heat of the sun, the roofs will suffer as a result. This is why you will often see metal roofs or tile roofs down south. 

The sun naturally destroys. The UV rays will, over time, wear out just about anything that they touch. This is true in the case of all roofing material, no matter how good the material is. While some material may still last for 50 to 100 years, the sun will always win the battle in the end. 

Sun will cause the oils within the roofing material to dry out, and this will eventually lead to cracking as well. Untreated asphalt shingles are at high risk, as the sun’s heat can cause this material to experience buckling and cracking.

• As the heat sets in, so often it is accompanied by humidity. This is especially true in some of the southern states (although not reserved to them). As humidity sets in, unwanted plant life begins to thrive. 

A drive down the road will often reveal that some homes have a green, grassy substance that appears to be growing on the roof. This is often algae or another weed-like plant. These plants feed off of the humidity in the air and will continue to thrive on your roof unless taken care of. 

A metal roof naturally repels this type of growth, but this type of roof will come at a greater cost to you. If you are living in an area where you cannot seem to fight off the growth, a metal roof may be an excellent investment.

Heavy winds

• Heavy winds will plague areas that are both hot and cold. Heavy winds are a leading destroyer of roofs. It will be important that your roof is applied correctly to avoid wind damage that can occur from severe storms. 

One of the simple ways of doing this is by applying more fasteners to your roof when applying your roofing material. It may also be wise to ask your roofing contractor what measures he takes in his application of your roofing material in order to protect against high winds. 

Some companies, such as Owen Corning (a leader in the industry), may only back their product with a guarantee when using six nails as opposed to four for protection against high winds.


Whether you are living in an area that commonly experiences extreme heat or living under extremely cold conditions, your roof will experience the consequences. Nevertheless, knowing this can better help you to prepare for your future as a replacement or repair may come sooner than you had expected.

Why Is Tile Roof So Expensive and Is It Worth the Price?

While a number of roofing options exist on the market today, tile roofing may be the best option for you. However, there are a couple of questions that must be answered first: Why is tile roof so expensive, and is it worth the price? 

For any of you who have a foundational understanding of tile roofs or roofs in general, you may already know that when it comes to tile roofs, the price tag is much higher than other roofing material. This can often scare people away from the investment. 

Hopefully this article eliminates some fears and answers some questions. 

Why is tile roof so expensive?

Primarily, tile roof is expensive for these 3 reasons:


The labor involved is tedious, strenuous, and requires an expertise that is not often found, even in the roofing industry. The material itself is very heavy, and the buyer must bear the costs of the added work load. 

• Manpower

A close relative of labor is that of manpower. Unlike the relatively simplistic approach and workload of installing asphalt shingles, which would not necessarily require a team, it is possible that tile roofing may require more men for the job.

• Material

The material itself that is used in tile roofing is more expensive (although it does vary some). However, across the board, it will be more expensive than asphalt shingles. Material such as metal, concrete, clay, slate, and synthetic are among the popular categories.  

Is tile roof worth the price?

Next, it is important to weigh some of the pros and cons of installing a tile roof. Whether it is worth the cost will vary from person to person. As a result, I will lay out some of the advantages and disadvantages and let you decide if it is worth it for you.  

• Repairs

One of the great benefits of having a tile roof installed is that it will be the only time that you will ever need to install a roof on your home. For a number of other roofing options, repairs and replacements will be a must. 

However, when it comes to tile roofs, a concrete tile roof will last up to 50 years, a clay tile roof will last up to 100 years, and a slate tile roof will last for over 100 years. The benefits here are clear. 

For those of you who want to say goodbye to roof repairs and replacements, investing in a tile roof could be a good choice.  

• Budget

While the benefit of not needing to repair your roof may be tempting, the matter of what you can afford is also important to consider. The various tile choices will, in the end, cost you around 3 times or more than asphalt shingles would cost. 

The reasons for this have been laid out above. This one point is a deterrent for many, as often times low-income households, or even those who find themselves in the middle, cannot afford the added amount.  

• Time

While some of you may find it difficult to afford tile, some may find that the time and money it will save in the future, as a result, are well worth the price. The time factor is closely connected to the matter of repairs. 

For the person who is dealing with a roof that is constantly a problem, it will take a lot of time and money to deal with it all. For the man who has invested in a tile roof, these problems are often problems of the past rather than the present. 

• Residence

Finally, it is essential to ask yourself how long you will be at your home. A tile roof may increase your home’s value on the open market. However, if you will be moving soon at the end of the day, it may not be a good investment.


Choose wisely, think intelligently, and plan accordingly. The cost may be worth it for you. For some, it may not. Either way, a good roof is essential for a good home.


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